Welcome to “astronomical” summer


It’s “officially” summer, “astronomically. Meteorologically, it’s June 1stst. In reality, it doesn’t matter much.

The difference between spring and summer from an astronomical point of view is in March just at the spring equinox (March 20e, roughly), that was when the sun was pointing directly at the equator, so you get the same sunlight in the northern and southern hemispheres. Since then, over the past two months, the Northern Hemisphere has kind of tilted a little more towards the sun each day, and now we come to June 20 (today), which means the most throughout the year (approximately). We tilt towards the sunlight so we get more of it and that is why the summer is getting hotter. In general. The days are starting to get shorter now. Our sunrise has actually bet later since June 5th.e (a few seconds a day). Our sunsets will actually be later each day until June 25e. The overall length of the day decreases from tomorrow. We won’t really notice it for a while.

About a “normal” July planned

Our average high temperatures will continue to rise until July 6e. We peak at 79 degrees for an average high that day and then descend from there.


About Johnnie Gross

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